
Rates to be confirmed.

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The first step is to record your personal details on your own ‘dashboard’. If you have already completed it from a previous ASN Events conference, you will not have to repeat this, just login to your ‘dashboard’.
As you complete any section of the ‘dashboard’, you will receive a confirmation email.
You can use your email and password to access your registration at any time to make any necessary changes, coming back to it over a period of time as you are ready to confirm more detail.     


A secure site is provided for online payment of your charges. This has its own section on the ‘dashboard’. The payment options are:
- Credit card -  Visa or Mastercard
- Cheque  (either personal or from your institute)
- Direct debit  (you will be emailed banking instructions upon application)

An Australian Tax Invoice will be provided for all registrants once registered. You can reprint this and your receipt from your ‘dashboard’ at any time.
The ABN for the conference is 90 093 246 176. All rates quoted include GST and are in Australian dollars.
All online registrations are checked by the secretariat. If there is any query they will contact you. If you wish to make changes r additions after you have registered, return to your ‘dashboard’. The ‘dashboard’ also keeps a record of any abstract you have submitted.


Cancellations will incur a cancellation fee of A$100 if made in writing before the 3rd July 2014. No refund is payable after that date but registrations can be transferred to substitute delegates without penalty.


The registration fee does not include insurance of any kind and the Meeting Secretariat cannot take any responsibility for any participant failing to arrange their own insurance. Delegates are encouraged to make their own insurance arrangements to cover any loss caused by unforeseen delay, circumstance or cancellation.


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