Invited Speakers

  • Toby Allen
    Toby Allen

    School of Applied Sciences and Health Innovations Research Institute, RMIT University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

    A/Prof. Allen received his PhD from the Australian National University in 1998. Following postdoctoral work at the Australian National University, he moved to the USA in 2001 to work at the Weill Medical College of Cornell University as Revson Fellow......Read More>>

  • PA
    Pavle Andjus

    University of Belgrade, Serbia

    Prof. Andjus is current Head of Centre for laser microscopy, University of Belgrade Faculty of Biology and president of the Biophysical Society of Serbia....Read More>>

  • DavidAragao
    David Aragão

    Australian Synchrotron, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

    Dr. David Aragão studied organic chemistry at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (FCT-UNL, Portugal). From early  undergraduate  days  he  got  interested  in  structural  biology  having  spend  time  in  international laboratories like the EMBL, Grenoble, France and University of Georgia, Athens, USA....Read More>>

  • Coming soon...Read More>>

  • amanda
    Amanda Barnard

    CSIRO's Virtual Nanoscience Laboratory, Parkville, VIC , Australia

    Dr. Amanda Barnard is an Office of the Chief Executive (OCE) Science leader, and head of the Virtual Nanoscience Laboratory at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO).  She received her Ph.D....Read More>>

  • Berry
    Richard Berry

    Monash University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

    Dr Richard Berry completed his PhD studies within the Wellcome Trust Centre for Cell Matrix Research at the University of Manchester, UK in 2009 and subsequently moved to Monash University (Melbourne) under the supervision of Prof. Jamie Rossjohn....Read More>>

  • AmitabhaChattopadhyay
    Amitabha Chattopadhyay

    Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology, India

    Prof. Amitabha Chattopadhyay received B.Sc. with Honors in Chemistry from St. Xavier’s College (Calcutta) and M.Sc. from IIT Kanpur.  He obtained his Ph.D. from the State University of New York (SUNY) at Stony Brook, and was a Postdoctoral Fellow at......Read More>>

  • BenCorry
    Ben Corry

    Australian National University, Canberra, NSW, Australia

    Ben Corry graduated with a PhD in Physics from the Australian National University, before taking up an Australian Research Council Postdoctoral Fellowship and subsequent Research Fellowship at the University of Western Australia....Read More>>

  • PatrickCozzone
    Patrick Cozzone

    A*STAR, Singapore and Aix-Marseille University, France

    Patrick J. Cozzone is Professor Emeritus of Biophysics at the Faculty of Medicine, Aix-Marseille University and a honorary member of the Academic Institute of France (Paris) where he held the chair of Biophysics from 1998 to 2008....Read More>>

  • Xavier Daura obtained a PhD in Biological Sciences by the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) in 1996, under the supervision of Profs. F. X. Avilés and E. Querol....Read More>>

  • MarkDelaru
    Marc Delarue

    Institut Pasteur, Paris, France

    Marc Delarue did his PhD in Biophysics in Paris and obtained an Habilitation in the University of Strasbourg in 1993. He specialized in crystallography and structure-function relationships of polymerases and aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases....Read More>>

  • MichelleDunstone
    Michelle Dunstone

    Monash University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

    Dr Michelle Dunstone received her PhD at St Vincent's Institute (University of Melbourne). During her PhD studies and postdoctoral studies Michelle studied proteins of the human immune system using crystallography and bioinformatics....Read More>>

  • EricEnnifar
    Eric Ennifar

    Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology (IBMC), Strasbourg, France

    Eric Ennifar received a Master degree in Biological Crystallography and NMR (joint Master from Universities of Strasbourg, Grenoble and Paris Orsay, France) in 1998. He did his Ph.D....Read More>>

  • ChrisGerle
    Christoph Gerle

    Hyogo University, Japan

    Christoph Gerle had his first contact with the structural studies of energy converting membrane complexes while working on the 2D crystallization of higher plant photosystem II in the laboratory of James Barber at the Imperial College, U.K....Read More>>

  • JG
    John Golbeck

    The Pennsylvania State University

    Prof. John H. Golbeck received his Ph.D. in Biological Chemistry from Indiana University, Bloomington, under the supervision of Anthony San Pietro. His postdoctoral studies were carried out at Martin Marietta Laboratories, Baltimore, with Bessel Kok....Read More>>

  • Yuji Goto

    Osaka University, Suita, Japan

    Dr. Yuji Goto obtained a Doctoral Degree (1982) from the Graduate School of Science, Osaka University. He experienced postdoctoral period in 1986-1988 at UC Santa Cruz. His current research interests include protein folding, stability and misfolding....Read More>>

  • JB
    Jacqui Gulbis

    Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

    Dr Gulbis is located at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute in Melbourne Australia. Her chief interests lie in the mechanisms, regulation and interplay of systems facilitating membrane transport and cellular signalling, and the lab specifically focuses on two modes......Read More>>

  • Joachim Heberle
    Joachim Heberle

    Free University Berlin, Germany

    Prof. Joachim Heberle studied chemistry at the Universities of Stuttgart and Würzburg (Germany). He did his PhD with Norbert Dencher at the Free University Berlin, investigating the kinetics of the photocycle of bacteriorhodopsin via flash photolysis....Read More>>

  • Lloyd Hollenberg
    Lloyd Hollenberg

    Centre of Excellence for Quantum Computation and Communication Technology, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

    Lloyd Hollenberg is an ARC Laureate Fellow and the Deputy Director of the Centre of Excellence for Quantum Computation and Communication Technology. He completed his PhD in theoretical particle physics the University of Melbourne in 1989 after which he was......Read More>>

  • Livia Hool pdf01
    Livia Hool

    The University of Western Australia, Crawley, WA, Australia

    Livia Hool completed her PhD at Royal North Shore Hospital, Sydney in 1995. She then undertook 2 years postdoctoral research as recipient of an American Heart Association Postdoctoral Fellowship in the School of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio....Read More>>

  • khalid
    Syma Khalid

    University of Southhampton, UK

    Syma graduated with a first class degree in Chemistry from the University of Warwick in 2000. She remained at Warwick to read for a PhD under the supervision of Prof. P. Mark Rodger....Read More>>

  • ShanShanKou
    Shan Shan Kou

    University of Melbourne, VIC, Australia

    Dr. Shan Shan Kou obtained her PhD from National University of Singapore in 2011. She held an invited assistant scientist position in École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) before accepting a DECRA fellowship at the University of Melbourne in 2012....Read More>>

  • RL pic
    Regis Lamberts

    University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand

    I completed my PhD at the Laboratory for Physiology of the VU University Amsterdam in The Netherlands. Hereafter I went to burgundian Antwerp in Belgium to continue with a postdoctoral position at the Department of Human Physiology and Pathophysiology....Read More>>

  • DL
    Derek Laver

    University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia

    The theme to my research career has been the use of electrophysiolological techniques to measure ion channel function. I use kinetic models of channel gating and conductance to unravel and identify the complex mechanisms that control ion channels....Read More>>

  • MichaelLawrence
    Michael Lawrence

    Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

    Mike Lawrence obtained a PhD in Theoretical Physics in from the University of Cape Town, South Africa. He then moved into structural biology research, completing a post-doctoral period at the MRC Laboratory for Molecular Biology in Cambridge (UK)....Read More>>

  • joelynch
    Joe Lynch

    Queensland Brain Institute, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD, Australia

    Joe Lynch completed a BSc majoring in Physics at the University of Melbourne. He then moved to the University of NSW to undertake a Masters of Biomedical Engineering and then a Ph.D. in Physiology with Peter Barry....Read More>>

  • Peter McIntyre
    Peter McIntyre

    RMIT University, VIC, Australia

    Peter McIntyre is a Professor of Pharmacology at RMIT University. He obtained his PhD in 1986 in Biochemistry from LaTrobe University and then did Postdoctoral work at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute in Melbourne, Australia and the Imperial Cancer......Read More>>

  • nagel2
    Georg Nagel

    University of Würzburg, Germany

    Georg Nagel studied biology and biophysics at University of Konstanz and was awarded his PhD at University Frankfurt in 1988. After postdoc time at Yale University (1988-1989, New Haven, CT, USA) and The Rockefeller University (1990-1992, New York, NY, USA)......Read More>>

  • AtulParikh
    Atul Parikh

    University of California, Davis, CA , USA

    Atul N. Parikh is professor in the Departments of Biomedical Engineering and of Chemical Engineering, and Materials Science at the University of California, Davis. Since 2012, he is also serving as Visiting Professor in the school of Materials Science &......Read More>>

  • EmilyParker

    Emily completed her undergraduate degree in organic chemistry at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand, and her PhD in Bio-organic Chemistry at the University of Cambridge.  After a brief period as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Cambridge, she......Read More>>

  • 73538 2
    Christine Peter

    University of Konstanz, Germany

    Christine Peter has studied chemistry and mathematics at the University of Freiburg, Germany. In 2003 she obtained her PhD at the ETH Zurich working on molecular dynamics simulation of biomolecular systems, and has subsequently worked at the National Institutes of......Read More>>

  • NicholasPancha
    Nicholas Plachta

    Australian Regenerative Medicine Institute (ARMI), Melbourne, VIC, Australia

    Dr Plachta is an expert in biological imaging and embryonic development. His research provides insights into how cells and molecules interact during the early stages of life and may provide knowledge key to understanding, preventing and treating a range of diseases....Read More>>

  • Thomas Preiss
    Thomas Preiss

    ANU/JCSMR, Canberra, NSW, Australia

    From 1986-91 Thomas Preiss studied Chemistry at the Philipps-Universität, Marburg (Germany) and the University of Bristol (UK), followed by PhD work (1992-95) at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne (UK)....Read More>>

  • FP
    Feliciano Protasi

    University of Chieti, Italy

    Professor Feliciano Protasi is currently Full Professor of Physiology (from 2011) at the University of Chieti (Italy), where he is the leader of a research group formed by 8 elements (Researchers, Post-Docs, PhD students and Technicians) and supported by the......Read More>>

  • LindyRae
    Caroline (Lindy) Rae

    The University of New South Wales, Kensington, NSW, USA

    Caroline (Lindy) Rae is Chair of Brain Sciences at The University of New South Wales, and an NHMRC Senior Research Fellow. She is Director of MR Research at Neuroscience Research Australia, and UNSW node director of the Australian National Imaging......Read More>>

  • Peter Ralph
    Peter Ralph

    University of Technology Sydney

    Professor Peter Ralph is the Executive Director of the Plant Functional Biology and Climate Change Cluster (C3) at the University of Technology Sydney, co-director of the CSIRO Marine and Coastal Carbon Biogeochemistry Cluster (Coastal Carbon Cluster) and member of the......Read More>>

  • Jean MarieRuysschaert
    Jean-Marie Ruysschaert

    Free University of Brussels, Belgium

    Jean-Marie Ruysschaert received his Master degree and Ph.D. degree in Chemistry  from the Free University of Brussels. He worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Cambridge University (U.K.), Weizmann Institute of Sciences with E.Katchalski (Israel), and Carnegie Institute with D.Pagano (Baltimore,MD)....Read More>>

  • Rychkov Grigori 1 1
    Grigori Rychkov

    Adelaide University

    Grigori Rychkov is an Associate Professor in School of Medicine in University of Adelaide and South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute. He received a PhD in Biophysics at the Institute of Experimental Biology, Armenian Academy of Science in 1988....Read More>>

  • Fredsachs
    Fred Sachs

    University at Buffalo, NY, USA

    I majored  in Physics as an undergraduate, a background I recommend to all interested parties. I worked for a couple years in the aerospace industry doing noise analysis…….oops I made a mistake…….I almost never worked, but I did show up....Read More>>

  • RajanSankaranarayan
    Rajan Sankaranarayan

    Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB), Hyderabad, India

    Dr. Rajan Sankaranarayanan obtained his Ph. D. from the Molecular Biophysics Unit, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore in 1996 and was a postdoctoral research fellow at IGBMC, Strasbourg, France from 1996-2002....Read More>>

  • JohnSeddon2
    John Seddon

    Imperial College London, UK

    John Seddon is Head of the Chemical Physics Section and Deputy Head of the Chemistry Department at Imperial College London. After a B.Sc. in Physics and a PhD....Read More>>

  • JonSkinner
    Jon Skinner

    Starship Children's Hospital

    Jon Skinner is paediatric cardiologist/electrophysiologist at Starship Children’s  Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand, and Associate Professor at Auckland University. He leads the national arrhythmia service for children and adults with congenital heart disease and the Cardiac Inherited Diseases Group which runs......Read More>>

  • ClaudioSoares
    Claudio Soares

    ITQB - Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica António Xavier, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal

    Cláudio M. Soares studied Biochemistry at Universidade de Lisboa, where he obtained his first degree in 1989.  He went to Uppsala University to develop the research that lead to his PhD that was presented at Universidade de Lisboa in 1994....Read More>>

  • Masahirosokabe
    Masahiro Sokabe

    Nagoya University, Japan

    Dr. Masahiro Sokabe is Project Professor at Nagoya University and Visiting Professor at National University of Singapore. After receiving Ph.D. from Osaka University (1984, Biophysical Engineering), he moved to Nagoya University in 1985, promoted to Professor and Chair at the......Read More>>

  • Daniela Stock

    The Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute

    Daniela Stock is an NHMRC Senior Research Fellow and heads the Structural Biology Program at The Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute in Sydney. She received a degree in mineralogy and crystallography from the Free University of Berlin in 1992 followed......Read More>>

  • Sunde
    Margaret (Margie) Sunde

    University of Sidney, NSW, Australia

    Margie Sunde is Associate Professor in Pharmacology at the University of Sydney. She obtained her PhD in Biochemistry at the University of Cambridge in 1994 and then did postdoctoral work at the Laboratory of Molecular Biophysics and Centre for Molecular......Read More>>

  • Sasa
    Saša Svetina

    University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

    Prof. Saša Svetina received his PhD on solid state physics from the University of Ljubljana in 1965. During his postdoctoral studies at the Roswell Park Memorial Institute, Buffalo, New York he switched into the field of biophysics....Read More>>

  • Taberner
    Andrew Tabener

    University of Auckland’s Bioengineering Institute (ABI), New Zealand

    Associate Prof. Andrew Taberner obtained his PhD in physics and electronic engineering in 1999 – skills that he immediately applied to the development of cardiac muscle research instruments with the University of Auckland, New Zealand....Read More>>

  • Vandenberg
    Robert Vandenberg

    University of Sydney, NSW, Australia

    Robert Vandenberg is Professor of Pharmacology at the University of Sydney. He obtained his PhD in 1989 in Biochemistry and then did Postdoctoral work at the Garvan Institute in Sydney, Australia and the Vollum Institute for Advanced Biomedical Sciences in......Read More>>

  • Jolanda van der Velden

    VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands

    The main focus of the research group of Jolanda van der Velden (Physiology, VU University Medical Center) involves investigation of changes in myofilament protein composition and function, which contribute to impaired cardiomyocyte function in heart failure, and may be target......Read More>>

  • vanOijen
    Antoine van Oijen

    University of Groningen, Netherlands

    Antoine M. van Oijen is Professor of Molecular Microscopy and Spectroscopy at the University of Groningen and is affiliated with the Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials and the Centre for Synthetic Biology at this university....Read More>>

  • TonyWatts
    Tony Watts

    Oxford University, UK

    Tony Watts read a B.Sc. then a Ph.D. in biophysics in the Astbury Department of Biophysics, Leeds University, UK from 1968 - 1975, followed by post doctoral research for 5-years at the Max Planck Institute for Biophysics, Göttingen, Germany....Read More>>

  • 1408 Shegeyuki Yokoyama Photo2

    Dr. Shigeyuki Yokoyama is an Emeritus Professor of the University of Tokyo, and currently leads the RIKEN Structural Biology Laboratory as a Distinguished Senior Scientist. ...Read More>>

  • yool
    Andrea Yool

    University of Adelaide, SA, Australia

    Andrea Yool earned her PhD degree in Physiology & Cell Biology from the University of California Santa Barbara in 1985. After postdoctoral work at Scripps Clinic (1986-89) and at Stanford University (1990-1992), she joined the University of Arizona Dept of......Read More>>

  • AndyWang

    Prof. Andrew H.-J. Wang was educated in Taiwan with B.S. (1967) and M.S. (1970) degrees, both from the Department of Chemistry, National Taiwan University. He obtained the Ph.D. degree from the Department of Chemistry, University of Illinois in 1974....Read More>>

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