Invited Speakers » Livia Hool
The University of Western Australia, Crawley, WA, Australia
Livia Hool completed her PhD at Royal North Shore Hospital, Sydney in 1995. She then undertook 2 years postdoctoral research as recipient of an American Heart Association Postdoctoral Fellowship in the School of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. In 1998 she was awarded a Peter Doherty Fellowship from NHMRC and relocated to The University of Western Australia where she established the Cardiovascular Electrophysiology Laboratory in Physiology. She is currently recipient of an ARC Future Fellowship and Honorary NHMRC Senior Research Fellowship.
Her research interests include the study of the regulation of cardiac ion channels by hypoxia and oxidative stress, in particular the L-type Ca2+ channel and the role of the cytoskeleton in communication between the L-type Ca2+ channel and mitochondria.
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